
After determining that your call to ministry to homosexual strugglers is from God, the most important thing you will do is to establish a system of accountability.

Over the years, Exodus has found that nothing is more critical in the functioning and survival of an ex-gay ministry than clear, functioning accountability within the Body of Christ. The Exodus requirements for referral status state that an Exodus ministry must have a policy making board or governing body with the power to remove or change leadership within the ministry.

In almost every situation in which leaders have had to step down and in which ministries have failed to survive, there has been an absence of, or failure in, accountability. In fact, properly functioning accountability will go a long way towards preventing behaviour that could damage a ministry. We are not saying that a system of accountability will always prevent wrong behaviour, but if a system of accountability is functioning properly, there is a far greater chance of restoration after a moral failure.

In ex-gay ministry, we invariably link up accountability with dealing with a sexual fall, and we discuss that later. However, we should recognize that a system of accountability should call a ministry leader to godly behaviour in a number of areas including:

  1. Homosexual and heterosexual behaviour.
  2. >Appropriate relationships with others in the ministry.
  3. Financial responsibility.
  4. Sound Christian teaching.
  5. Conscientiously fulfilling of God's mission for the ministry.
  6. Proper public behaviour.

The reasons for a functioning accountability system go beyond having someone keep tabs on the ministry director's sexual behaviour. Some benefits of accountability are:

  1. To provide a channel for counsel, encouragement and prayer for the ministry leader.
  2. To encourage the ministry to establish standards of behaviour for leadership.
  3. To provide a channel for grievances to be expressed, particularly when there is dissatisfaction with the leadership of the ministry.
  4. To ensure the responsible use of people's contributions.
  5. To oversee the ministry leader's personal and professional life; especially to help the leader maintain balance in his or her family and spiritual life.
  6. To help the ministry leader before problems, sexual or otherwise, get out of hand.

Other sections of the manual include
Getting Started
Practical Considerations
Legal Considerations
Overcoming Difficulties
Training for Ministry
Becoming an Exodus Member Ministry
and more...
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