Welcome to Exodus Global Alliance
Proclaiming that faith in Jesus Christ and a transformed life through the power of Jesus Christ is possible for people who experience same-sex attractions or are involved in homosexuality.
Equipping Christians and churches to uphold the Biblical view of sexuality but respond with compassion and grace to those affected by homosexuality.
Serving people affected by homosexuality through Christian fellowship and Christian discipleship.
Jesus Invites You
God invites men and women who are involved in homosexuality or experience same-sex attractions to be part of His family. God thinks you are so valuable that He wants to spend eternity with you!
You are loved.
What about the mess in my life? Sy Rogers wrote, “God would rather have me messy, than not have me at all. His generous Grace covers what I cannot do. His Guidelines and Guidance will instruct, correct, train and lead me forward on the path of what I can and should do. That is the lot for those of us who would be His. To be sure: God will take me just like I am. However, He will hardly leave me there: promptly He insists upon taking me further. Much, much further. Further than I may have considered. As God followers soon realize, He is not a doting granddaddy winking at my mischief. Neither is He some kind of sugar-daddy bankrolling my self-indulgences. He will not settle to be some kind of caboose on ‘my train’. He is The Engineer driving this train onto a new track, directing me toward the developmental destination of His intent, not mine. Isn’t this the obvious tradeoff we must inevitably face: If I claim His Salvation, He claims my life. I forfeit my ‘right to myself’ and begin learning submission to Him. This then requires I learn of Him: Any voluntary submission requires trust and confidence in the Character of The One to whom I surrender."
Jesus is very much alive today and knowing Him is the most important thing you can do, in this life and in the next.

Read about the impact that God's love had on people who have struggled with their sexuality.

Watch a video excerpt about God's response to our issues and struggles with sexuality.

Find a resource that will equip you to better understand the complex issues of faith and sexuality or equip you for ministry.
