Who Comes to Exodus Conferences?

Men and women looking for a way out - You are not alone! This is your chance to meet people who understand. Every year, the majority of the people at Exodus conferences are men and women who in conflict with their same-sex attractions and are looking for a way out. And so Exodus conferences include workshops just for you, and teachers who know what they are talking about. So come, be equipped, and learn from others who understand.

Christians still struggling with unwanted homosexual thoughts or behaviour, and need encouragement - Join the men and women at our conference -- those starting the journey out of homosexuality, those in the middle and those who have been free for decades. Exodus conferences are an excellent opportunity to get reacquainted with your Exodus friends and loved ones. Our community worship time is powerful and can be life-changing. So come, meet with God, and be renewed.

Ministry Leaders - If you lead a ministry, church outreach or support group, you can learn how to better minister to those struggling with homosexuality through the many relevant workshops. Come and connect with others who share your passion.

Parents - Perhaps you have discovered that your son or daughter is involved in homosexuality. You can gain wise and practical advice through workshops designed with you in mind. You can share your hurt and confusion. Come and meet with other parents who understand and can bring you hope.

Pastors and Counsellors - If you wrestle with the multifaceted issues of homosexuality in your profession, we can help answer some difficult questions and provide encouragement through special workshops and the support of other ministers. Come and learn more.

Married Couples and Spouses - Does your spouse struggle with homosexuality or related issues? Do you feel alone and confused? We have put together great workshops for wives and husbands, and for marriage enrichment. Come and meet with other spouses and couples for support and encouragement.